Upgrade problem

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Sun May 19 16:19:49 UTC 2019

On Sun, 2019-05-19 at 11:29 -0400, Robert Heller wrote:
> What are the differences?
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
> Seemed to be the "right thing"


apt-get dist-upgrade should work perfectly, too. However, the official
Ubuntu tool nowadays is apt.


The apt replacements for several apt-get and dpkg commands are more
user-friendly. The helper gdebi could be replaced by apt install, to
install a local package and to resolve dependencies from repositories.

It's not recommended to use apt for scripts, but actually I never
experienced an issue:

  [weremouse at moonstudio ~]$ apt list -a linux-lowlatency | grep installed

  WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

  linux-lowlatency/xenial-updates,xenial-security,now amd64 [installed]


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