Request for explanation of error message

Bret Busby bret.busby at
Mon Jul 29 22:21:09 UTC 2019

On 30/07/2019, Oliver Grawert <ogra at> wrote:
> hi,
> Am Montag, den 29.07.2019, 19:57 +0000 schrieb Mike Marchywka:
>> >
>> >
>> > >
>> > > How often do you get the PCI errors? Do you check dmesg often?
>> > >
>> > The PCI errors appear to be ongoing and incessant.
>> This may be relevant,
>> corrected
> well, this points to:
> which has a lot of debug info and potential things to try ...

I was previously referred to an "ask ubuntu" forum web page with a
question and solutions relating to this, and, I changed the two lines
in the grub file, to insert
then, whilst that stopped the growth of x-0.log , it did not stop the
error repeating in dmesg output, so I replaced the nomsi with noaer,
as was suggested, but, again, the same; the
x-0.log file appears to have stopped growing, but, the error message
is still incessantly repeating in dmesg.

> yet ... bret, did you consider that a pci card simply came loose during
> the replacement of the ram ? i think it is really suspicious that the
> log spam started when you had your memory replaced ... the same
> hardware worked fine without that error before so i start to doubt it
> is actually a software error (typically such things dont come out of
> the blue)

I think that this is wherer it would be really useful, if the error
messages, or, some sort of diagnostic, or, otherwise, some system
utility, identified what actual component is at the address, so,
whatever the PCI device is, it could be easily identified, thence, for
me to take the computer back to the shop, and say, "when the RAM was
replaced, an error message has been occurring, showing that the blerg
in the PCI slot, appears to have been dislodged - can you please fix
it", but, without knowing what PCI device is affected, all I can say,
is "something is wrong - please fix it", which is not helpful.

At the moment (and, for the last couple of months), my use of my right
hand, is significantly restricted - it is only a little more useful,
than if it would be tightly bandaged (which is about how it feels,
most of the time), so, for me to try to do anything with the inside of
the computer, would be more harmful than useful.

So, the problem of the incessantly growing log file, appears to be
restrained by a bandaid fix - whatever was incessantly writing to it,
appears to be broken,  shown by its hysterical panic, implemented by
its incessant writing to the file. That problem is not solved - only,
apparently, temporarily blocked, until it does it again.

> ciao
> 	oli

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts",
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992


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