copy/paste not working

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Mon Jul 22 18:48:34 UTC 2019

On Mon, 22 Jul 2019 11:15:39 -0700, rikona wrote:
>Re the fixes - it looks like trying to use older KDE pgms, some of
>which are no longer part of current KDE distros, may be at "end of
>life" :-) and I will have to use less desirable [to me] current pgms
>instead. Sometimes progress seems to go backward...

Yesno, that's a little bit, too generalized.

You could use qt3, qt4 and qt5 by one install, loosely speaking you
"just" need to ensure that all qt3 apps are compiled against the same
version of qt3, all qt4 apps are compiled against the same version of
qt4 and all qt5 apps are compiled against the same version of qt5.

I suspect you have got a wild mixture of qt apps from different sources.
As already pointed out. For 16.04 falkon is not an old app, it's newer
than qupzilla from official Ubuntu repositories.

From where did you get the Qt apps that are not provided by official
Ubuntu 16.04 repos?

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