Off subject but I need help

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Wed Jul 17 11:09:44 UTC 2019

On Wed, 17 Jul 2019 17:07:49 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
>On 17/07/2019, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 Jul 2019 20:05:18 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:  
>>>But do your ballot boxes still work?  
>> The ballot boxes are working very good.
>The ballot boxes may work in other countries, but Australia has rather
>perverted ways of preventing democratic government, and, as a previous
>chief judge of the Australian supreme court, colloquially named in
>Australia as the High Court, has said, the Australian constitution
>does not provide the Australian people, either the right to choose
>whether to vote, or, the right to choose the members of the feral

On Paper the German constitution is very good, as well as the
fundamental idea of the European Union, it just doesn't work in
practise. Representative democracy is not wrong per se, direct
democracy has got some pitfalls, too. Hence my résumé:
"What doesn't work is constitutional democracy, we need direct democracy
and we need tough penalties for deceptive political practice." This
could still include a level of representative democracy, as long as
they don't ignore the results of elections all the times. Here in
Germany and the EU democracy does not exist at the moment. The
politicians don't give a damn, they ignore the constitution as well as
election results. Violence against politicians is increasing.
Ironically not the cheated democratic citizens become violent. Right
wing extremist were violent since decades, but they hardly ever attack
politicians. The politicians ignored a huge amount of violence against
the citizens. Now the right wing extremists attack politicians more
often. The violence is wrong, but it's self-explaining why this
happens. The cause for this aren't echo chambers spreading fake news,
the reasons are the facts spread by the politicians. The most good
example is less than a day old. The EU election worked, nobody does
question the vote count. For the last elections the politicians promised
to treat the Spitzenkandidat/lead candidate principle not like a
convention, but like an obligation. This was just another lie,
_again_ they ignored the will of the voters completely. At the same
time they promise to care more about the voters will, the care less
about it.

The solution would be passive resistance. We only need to deny to
repair a politician's car, to sell them closes, to fly their private
jets etc. and to vote a completely different kind of politicians next

Actually the big parties such as the German "Christians" and the social
"Dems" already go south. Not by violence, not by passive resistance,
but by elections. They once were mega parties and now they don't get
much votes anymore. They get still enough votes to cheat the
voters, but they already have gone the way of the dodo, it doesn't take
very long anymore and they are nothing but history.

It just takes some time.

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