Off subject but I need help

Karl Auer kauer at
Tue Jul 16 17:00:21 UTC 2019

On Wed, 2019-07-17 at 02:06 +1000, Peter wrote:
> My telephone and internet services have been converted to NBN.
> [...]
> Now for the past few days logging onto the internet causes problems.

First: Start keeping a diary. Don't try to troubleshoot in it, and
don't theorise: Just write down every problem you have, when it started
and when it finished (if it finished). Especially note any phone calls
or emails sent to Telstra, NBNCo etc. Times, dates, call length, and
try to always find out who you speak to. They may not want to give
names, in which case ask if there is any identifying number of code
they can give you. If they refuse to identify themselves at all, note
that too.

If push ever comes to shove, this diary will be an invaluable resource,
plus it lets you provide a consistent and coherent picture to whomever
is supporting you.

What kind of NBN connection do you have? FTTP, FTTC, FTTN, fixed
wireless, satellite?

> When I connect to the internet I get a message :
> Load cannot follow more then 20 redirections.

"Connect to the Internet" is an extremely vague expression. What
EXACTLY are you doing? Fictional example: "When I run Firefox 64.0 on
Ubuntu 16.04LTS and attempt to load, there is a thirty-
second pause before a message is displayed in blue in the middle of an
otherwise white window that says 'Load cannot follow more than 20
redirections'". If the message comes up in a dialogue box, describe the
size, location and title of the dialogue box. Take screenshots. 

>   I have tried with three laptops and get the same problem , hence 
> unlikely to be a laptop problem.

Is it happening with the same website site or with many different
sites? If it's just one site and most others work, then it is probably
an issue with the site, not you. If it happens with many different
sites, then the problem may indeed be at your end.

Another way to check this is by trying from a different computer on a
different network - such as a public PC at a library, or from a
neighbours' place.

> The signal strength is good when setting up the connection but then
> is displayed as a '?'

Signal strength of what? Your local wifi? Something displayed on your
NBN router? What do you mean by "good"? Where are you seeing this
question mark displayed?

> My browser will connect to the internet but once a 
> page is selected it is not always possible to follow links. It
> claims firefox has detected the server is redirecting the request in
> a way that will never complete and problem may be caused by not
> accepting cookies.

The above symptom is almost always a site issue OR you really are not
accepting cookies. Please provide a specific example of a site that you
are attempting to access, that fails. And make sure that you ARE
accepting cookies!

>   So far telstra have replaced their modem but this did not make any 
> difference.

It might help with overall Internet reliability, but it won't help with
browser or website issues. The people who answer the phone at Telstra
are rarely competent. Just keep calling and complaining, follow the
complaints procedure, ask for refunds and so on. The diary will be
useful with all that. But it's a hard row to hoe...

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at

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