problems packaging kernel

Hajo Locke Hajo.Locke at
Mon Jul 8 07:38:50 UTC 2019


Am 08.07.2019 um 08:59 schrieb Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users:
> On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 08:05:35 +0200, Hajo Locke wrote:
>> I wanted to ask this question in a devel-list, but it was denied,
>> because iam not an official developer.
> Hi,
> the users mailing list is
> 1. definitively the right mailing list for this kinds of questions.
> 2. even if the developers list would be the right place (again, it
>     isn't), your request is missing all the information to reproduce it.
> Why are you trying to build a kernel package exactly that way:
We still have ~3000 Servers with ubuntu14, this is just a try to bridge
a short time until we upgrade them.
> On Thu, 4 Jul 2019 15:23:56 +0200, Hajo Locke wrote:
>> On Ubuntu 16 i aquired sources with: apt-get source
>> linux-image-unsigned-4.4.0-154-generic I transfered this to a Ubuntu
>> 14 Server, installed all dependencies and start packaging with:
>> dpkg-buildpackage
> ?
> And way more important, how about posting the used commands with all of
> their output?
I just can extend my first posting, there are only a few steps i do.
- On Ubuntu 16 i aquire the kernel source by: apt-get source
- I tar this and transfer to a ubuntu14 server where i untar again.
- On this ubuntu14 server all typical dependencies to compile are installed.
I upgraded gcc to 4.9 using a ppa repo because 4.8 was not sufficient.
(add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test)
- packaging just starts with: dpkg-buildpackage  I do not a manual

There is a lot of output, many pages, so i restricted to error itself.
compilation itself works, so i expect problem in dpkg or debhelper
> Did you try to build the kernel without control and rules files the
> source file might contain? You could use the config provided by the
> source, you could apply patches manually, assuming the source does
> contain any patches and then build a package the old faithful Debian
> way.
> Assuming the source contains control and rules files, then you might
> need to do some editing.
> Actually nobody knows what you really did. That's fine for a user's
> list, but doesn't fit to the requirements of a developers list, even if
> it would be the right place to ask (again, even then it wouldn't be the
> right mailing list, this one is the right place for your request).

I dont expect that you really reproduce this. I think this is too much
effort. So i just hoped that some pro gives me a short hint ala " you
need package a in version b as well to package"

> Maybe we are able to help, if you post all steps, with complete
> commands, output, editing.
> Regards,
> Ralf

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