Super Key no longer shows Apps

Liam Proven lproven at
Tue Jan 8 14:45:34 UTC 2019

On Tue, 8 Jan 2019 at 14:50, Phil Dobbin <bukowskiscat at> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I noticed this morning that when pressing the Super (Windows) key the
> applications are missing: "Sorry there is nothing matching your search".
> It finds files, images, music etc but no apps. Has anybody else seen this?

You'll have to be a lot more specific.

What Ubuntu release? What desktop? What was the last thing you did
before this happened? Did you customise the keyboard at all? Does it
otherwise work normally? Does the same thing happen with a different

Liam Proven - Profile:
Email: lproven at - Google Mail/Hangouts/Plus: lproven at
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