Where are network tools on focal fossa

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 17 11:27:23 UTC 2019

Am Dienstag, den 17.12.2019, 05:31 -0500 schrieb Harry Putnam:
> Looking around on Focal Fossa while having a network problem ... 
> OK fine, back to `ifconfig' and `route' but oops well neither is
> installed.

net-tools have been deprecated in 2009 and after 10 years debian
finally finished the transition of all packages to the iproute tools.

ubuntu just inherited this switch in the archive. there are various
links to the respective distro deprecation notes at [1].

there is a blog post at [2] pointing out the replacements (from

Ubuntu added a new high-level network configuration tool called netplan
that you should use in general nowadays [3]


[1] https://serverfault.com/questions/633087/where-is-the-statement-of-
[2] http://andys.org.uk/bits/2010/02/24/iproute2-life-after-ifconfig/
[3] https://netplan.io/

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