Wanted: suggestions for calibre/linux compatible ebook reader

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 17:25:03 UTC 2019

Hey there,

M. Fioretti wrote:

>2) Linux/calibre compatible. I want to be able to manage its entire
>   content with Calibre, without wasting time with software or
>   hardware configuration

This shouldn't be a problem at all. Calibre can output to a variety
of different formats. If you had a need for an additional one, several
of the formats it puts out could be converted further by other
programs. I suspect that won't be an issue, though, because Calibre
pretty well kicks butt when it comes to making ebooks, doing
everything for you except for putting your feet up and bringing you a
cup of hot cocoa.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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