Update for UbuntuMATE 16.04.6 broke the GUI

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Sun Aug 25 18:39:48 UTC 2019


searching the usual suspects usually is a starting point. You could take
a look by running

  ls -Ald $HOME/{,.cache/,.config/,.local/share/}* | grep mate

Unfortunately clearing the cache by running

  rm -Ir $HOME/.cache/mate/

and renaming the content in .config by running

  mv -i $HOME/.config/mate $HOME/.config/mate.bak

unlikely gains anything, since mate does use dconf.

Wenn logged in as the user running

  gsettings list-schemas | grep mate

shows all mate realted schemas.


  gsettings list-schemas | grep mate | grep panel

might lists all panel related schemas.

Make a backup of dconf by running

  cp -ai $HOME/.config/dconf/user $HOME/.config/dconf/user.bak

Probably running

  gsettings reset-recursively org.mate.panel
  gsettings reset-recursively org.mate.panel.menubar

does reset the panel. Perhaps you need to log in and out.

More information is provided by

  man gsettings
  man dconf


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