[update] How can I transfer photos from my IPhone to my desktop computer?

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at zoho.com
Mon Aug 19 07:28:25 UTC 2019


when I tried to store data from Auria Pro and Cubasis (digital audio
workstations for iDevices) via iTunes, after the excessive Linux
mounting done with ifuse, iTunes couldn't copy data from a folder,
because of an invalide file name. I deleted and reinstalled Cubasis and
restored the data from a copy done before I play around with
libimobiledevice. Just an unhappy coincidence that isn't related to the
experiments with libimobiledevice or a damage done by libimobiledevice?

>>Btw. github is a PITA, an authentication nightmare, each time I'll
>>log in, I need to fetch mails, to copy and paste a code.  
>You might be able to configure that to disable it.

I didn't read the explanation that is filling pages, but I noticed the
word "phone". In my experiences "phone" in the context of setting up
something usually is for "mobile phone", but I'm a landline user, who
don't want to own a mobile phone at all. Most services ignore landline
completely, just a few offer voice SMS, unfortunately most voice SMS of
that kind are very fast speaking robots, so it's hard to understand and
remember the very long code. Apart from this, I not necessarily want to
give data, such as telephone numbers away.

Apropos "code", the github bug tracker offers broken code formatting,
github is terrible. Yesterday I couldn't do something, such as ~~~
before the first line and after the last line, each line needed to be
wrapped between ''.


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