Why does Ubuntu 18.04 doesn't create multiple BTRFS subvolumes anymore during installation by default?

Thorsten Schöning tschoening at am-soft.de
Sun Sep 30 11:51:06 UTC 2018

Guten Tag Tom H,
am Samstag, 29. September 2018 um 19:49 schrieben Sie:

> Ubuntu's changed its default installer from Debian's d-i to its own
> subiquity. The latter uses a different, new preseeding system, curtin.

Thanks for your explanation, but that's going a bit in the wrong
direction. I think my question lacks some background:

In 16.04 the default installer created the subvolumes @ and @home
within one partition automatically. I'm deplyoing services for
customers by storing them in /home/some_customer and some of those
services are managed by systemd to start automatically etc. That
failed with @home because it was not available during boot for
systemd[1], so I changed things to how the default bhehaviour of the
current installer is: One subvolume for / only containing all data.

I'm not using preseeding currently for various reasons and think that
I prefer the old distinction of @ and @home. That's why I still have
restoring the old, default setup in my TODOs by changing how I manage
services of different customers in systemd.

But recently I recognized that UB 18.04 changed its default behaviour
to exactly what I'm using now and I try to follow default installations
as much as possible. So in theory I don't need to change anything
anymore, unless UB decides to change their default behaviour once
again in the near future.

And to better being able to decide what to do with my current setup,
I was searching for the reasons why the default BTRFS-layout has been
changed and maybe if it's discussed to change it again. SuSE etc. uses
a lot more subvolumes by default already. 

So while I appreciate your hints about the YAML files and will have a
look at those, because using preseeding in future is the goal, I would
first like to be able to understand the decisions leading to the
current default behaviour of UB 18.04. Or just live with what it is
and I have now if there's simply no particular reason why things have
changed. :-) I simply didn't find those discussions, bugs or whatever

[1]: https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2018-May/040688.html

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning       E-Mail: Thorsten.Schoening at AM-SoFT.de
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