
Paul Smith paul at
Sat Sep 29 19:45:46 UTC 2018

On Sat, 2018-09-29 at 11:59 -0700, Bob wrote:
> I am running Ubuntu 18.04.1 with no customizations
> Where did the settings get move to as they are no longer on the
> settings icon?
> Yesterday I had the system set up the way I wanted it.  An update was
> done and now today the configuration of the monitors has changed.  I
> went to settings to change it back to the way I wanted and the
> settings are no longer there.  I also want to change the settings for
> system updates but they also seem to have been moved somewhere else.

Unless the "update" you refer to above was a jump from an older release
of Ubuntu (such as 16.04 or similar) to 18.04, then nothing changed
about the location of settings I don't think.  It's odd that your
monitor configuration has changed: that's never happened to me before.

To be clear when you say "settings icon" etc. you are referring to the
"Settings" dialog, that you get either by clicking the screwdriver and
wrench icon in the drop-down from the panel, or by typing "settings"
into the heads-up display search bar?

This hasn't changed since 18.04 was released.

The display configuration is handled under the "Devices" tab on the
left side-bar of the "Settings" dialog.  Note that this entire side-bar 
can scroll, and "Devices" is near the bottom, so check that you just
can't see it.  I filed a bug about this issue back when 18.04 was

Once you click "Devices" you'll see a new side-bar with various devices
including "Displays".

As far as system updates, they have never been configurable via the
"Settings" dialog.

To configure system updates, you can search for "Software & Updates" in
the heads-up display search bar which will open a dialog.  The tab
"Updates" there will let you choose different options for checking,
handling security updates, and handling other types of updates.

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