A better flabour?

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Sep 3 15:27:03 UTC 2018

03 September 2018  at 15:12, Nils Kassube wrote:
Re: A better flabour? (at least in part)

>Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
>> Truly are there some people who should not use Ubuntu?
>> I have a friend who seems able to kill or at least make unusable ever
>> effort I make to give him a Ubuntu system

>> So what is to be done ;->)

>I don't know - to me it looks like your friend doesn't really want to 
>run Linux / Ubuntu. If that is true, refrain from further experiments 
>because it is only a waste of time.

He only uses it (AFAIAA) to read and write to/from external disks in various 
formats, form Apple, Windowz (and of cause Linux) 

Apple && || Windowz. can read some other formats but (AFAIK) Only Linux can 
read / write, to / from both?

As an Apple lover he is more relient on GUI than most ;-<) even though most 
Ubuntu terminal commands are just as valid on an Apple

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