Launcher icon size

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Tue Oct 23 10:39:01 UTC 2018

On Tuesday 23 October 2018 04:24:04 Liam Proven wrote:

> On Mon, 22 Oct 2018 at 18:18, Gene Heskett <gheskett at> 
> > > Corel LinuxOS made it usable. I blogged
> > > about this yesterday:
> >
> > Must have missed that, don't get your blog.
> No reason you should. I just happened to be talking about it on Reddit
> 2 days ago.
> > It did need taming. Some of its eye candy had the beginnings of a
> > dangerous beast. TDE seems to have fixed everything except the
> > intermittent loss of indexes in kmail 1.9.
> It doesn't fix the clutter.
Clutter is in the eye of the beer holder. :) Over a background of the 
horsehead nebula, I have 5 or 6 hardware icons at the extreme left edge, 
gkrellm occupies the right hand inch on a 23" screen. The launcher for 
the popup menu, two copies of the FF icon, 10 squares for the pager, and 
about 13 really small icons (the docker) to the left of the clock in the 
lower bar. I don't call that excessively cluttered.

> I'm not talking about bloat, although it has that too.
> There are dozens of pointless little options to twiddle. Panel at
> bottom? Sure. Full width? Bottom left? Bottom right? Sure. Left edge?
> Top left? Centre left? Etc.
> I don't want any of that crap. All these options are bloat. I want to
> drag it where it should go and for it to stay there. Buttons and
> dialogs are the bloat, not the functionality. Direct interaction, not
> options to frobnicate.
> And I don't want bloody panels anywhere. I want a vertical taskbar,
> like Windows has done for twenty-three damn years, and KDE still can't
> do, even though it's a ripoff of Windows from top to bottom.
> I don't want a Windows-lookalike, but nothing else is left now. If I
> must use one, I want a _good_ one, one that _works_. KDE does not.
> > Is that a qt5 problem, or kde's?
> They deleted the code. They removed it. Too complicated, it looked
> like it would be hard to maintain.
> >  I don't have room for 2 monitors, but
> > do have a plethora of workspaces. What you might use for monitors
> > probably has a printer occupying that space here.
> I don't print anything. I haven't turned my printer on in 6 months.

One of them is my short term memory, Liam.

> But I type every day. Screens are _way_ more important than monitors
> to me. My iMac has 2 x 27" screens. (Honestly, they're a bit too big.
> I'd prefer 3 or 4 smaller ones.)
> --
> Liam Proven - Profile:
> Email: lproven at - Google Mail/Hangouts/Plus:
> lproven at Twitter/Facebook/Flickr: lproven - Skype/LinkedIn:
> liamproven UK: +44 7939-087884 - ČR (+ WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal): +420
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Cheers, Gene Heskett
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