Query about parasitic firefox file

Gene Heskett gheskett at shentel.net
Sat Mar 24 15:48:35 UTC 2018

On Saturday 24 March 2018 10:23:45 Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> While Liam and I tend to disagree with each other, we are now into
> something basic, where a disagreement is virtually zero.
> On Sat, 24 Mar 2018 14:48:18 +0100, Liam Proven wrote:
> >but Chrome is better for video.
> That is a fact! Even if another browser is able to play the same
> videos with audio output, too, it might happen that you at least run
> into an audio issue from time to time, that requires a workaround,
> such as coping the URL, closing the tab and pasting the URL into a new
> opened tab.
> >Yeah, but symptom, not disease. The disease is having 6 distros or
> >something, including out-of-date duplicates, when you don't fully
> >understand partitioning etc.
> Liam's mail is in reply to Gene, so FWIW Liam isn't talking about my
> Virginian penpal Gene, he refers to Bret here.

No, I was in fact replying to Liam since while we have disagreed at 
times, we are both on the same side of the fence, yet agreeing that 
there can be two different ways to set up networking. Mine is totally 
static, and he prefers the (usually) works anyplace model. My system has 
zero portability, and it just works.

Someone has a sig line I've seen, something about the reasonable man 
adapts to his environment, whereas the unreasonable man adapts the 
environment, so progress is driven by the unreasonable man. I'm in the 
unreasonable pen, with the gate padlock welded shut.

Liam has a stubborn streak as wide as mine, and neither of us is known to 
be too terribly PC although he has handled the thread CA started well, 
better than I would have, so I did an Andy Capp and did a shaddup.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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