What to use for browser flash support?

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 23 18:27:29 UTC 2018

On 01/23/2018 06:22 AM, Harry Putnam wrote:
> NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> writes:
>> On 01/20/2018 06:00 AM, Harry Putnam wrote:
>>> Running lubuntu 17.18 (artful)
>>> Using chromium, I run into some videos (On msnbc's full episodes of
>>> their various news/talk shows.  clicking the `full episodes' link at:
>>>    http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show#!#full-episodes
>>> For example, brings up the error message:
>>> ,----
>>> |   To watch video, download or enable adobe flash player plug-in in
>>> |   your security preferences.
>> Without flash, clicking on the warning redirects to a Sen Jeff Flake
>> interview video.
>> Doing the same with flash enabled changes the warning to "Please sign in".
> First, thanks for bringing the thread back to my OP problem.
> I'm getting a little confused... are you talking above about doing
> this from [l]ubuntu with chromium-browser... if so how are you
> `enabling' flash.

Yes. Settings| - hint search flash - Privacy and security|Content
settings|Flash - you can toggle 'Ask first (recommended)' or off 'Block
sites from running Flash'.

To see your flash settings - in the Chromium URL bar: chrome://flash
That will bring up (assuming you've now installed adobe-flashplugin) the
following or similar:

About Flash
Chromium	63.0.3239.84 (Built on Ubuntu , running on Ubuntu 16.04)
OS	Linux
Flash plugin /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libpepflashplayer.so
--- Crash data ---
Crash Reporting	Enable crash reporting to see crash IDs
For more details	https://support.google.com/chrome/?p=ui_usagestat
--- GPU information ---
--- GPU driver, more information ---
Vendor Id	0x80ee
Device Id	0xbeef
Driver vendor	Google Inc.
Driver version
Driver date	2017/04/07
Pixel shader version	3.0
Vertex shader version	3.0
GL_VENDOR	Google Inc.
GL_RENDERER	Google SwiftShader
GL_VERSION	OpenGL ES 2.0 SwiftShader

> I'm aware of the need to login periodically.  Just didn't get that was
> the cause of being redirected like that.
> Coming from a different host, it wants a login I guess... thanks for
> the tipoff.
> Haven't been able to get to the login screen from lubuntu as
> apparently chromium-browser lacks flash.
> I see now that when it jumps to Jeff Flake or whatever video is top on
> the other list... Its trying to accommodate my browser lacking flash.
> I thought the videos must be different, one flash the other not.  but
> now I see its just finding me something my browser can play.
>> Chromium	63.0.3239.84 (Built on Ubuntu , running on Ubuntu 16.04)
>> OS	Linux
>> Flash plugin /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libpepflashplayer.so
>> $ dpkg -l | grep flash
>> ii  flashplugin-installer
>>                    amd64        Adobe Flash
>> Player plugin installer
>> http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/about/
>> You have version 28,0,0,126 installed
> OK, got the installer installed... I only have access via ssh to the
> subject lubuntu OS at the moment so will see what happens later today.
> Thanks for the great input.

You're most welcome & good luck.

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