OT (was: Re: MUA rethreading

Peter Flynn peter at silmaril.ie
Sun Jan 14 22:01:26 UTC 2018

On 14/01/18 17:07, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On BSD, Linux and similar related mailing lists it's possible to
> educate the users and to stand accidents, such as a not strong enough
> coffee in the morning. Hey, US-American folks, to make a coffee you
> need to put the milled coffee beans into the water, it's not enough
> just to show the water the milled coffee beans. What you call coffee in
> the USA, we call water in the rest of the world. 

That's a little unfair these days; it really only applies to what they 
call "regular" coffee.

> However, outside of
> BSD, Linux and similar related mailing lists "sind Hopfen und Malz
> verloren" (there seems to be no nice idiom in English, so here's the
> translation https://www.dict.cc/?s=hopfen+und+malz+verloren ).

...outside of BSD, Linux, and similar related mailing lists there isn't 
an icicle's hope in hell (so hoffnungslos wie ein Eiszapfen in der Hölle :-)


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