You removed Weboob package over political reasons? Whole Internet laughs at you

vsnsdualce at vsnsdualce at
Mon Dec 24 15:22:36 UTC 2018

Debian is not ruled by the men who actually write the software, but 
instead women.
Just like in all the anglo-american conquered world.

We, the men who actually do work, are treated as the same worker-slaves 

Opensource was a refuge from the worthless cunts (who ban us from having 
anything good, such as cute young child brides (allowed by YHWH))
but has not been for some time now. Part and parcel of anglo culture: 
the man is a dog, the wwuuuummmannn is a Noble.

Now that Linus has caved all is lost.

But you can always rescind license for your copyrighted works...
(as-long as they are a bare license such as the gpl2).

Absent an attached interest (ie: someone paying you for use of the work, 
or relying on your promises): you the rightsholder have the right to 
rescind at will.
GPL v2 lacks such language disclaiming rescission, you made no 
utterances that one could rely upon to suggest
that there would be no rescission, and you were paid no consideration 
for your work.
.: You can rescind, just like any other property license.

And yes, I am a lawyer.

Men should be free to take girl children as brides and feminism should 
be eliminated from the earth
(just as they seek to eliminate all pro-male cultures in the world)

On 2018-12-24 14:58, Default User wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 24, 2018, 05:20 Ivan Ivanov <qmastery16 at wrote:
>>> 500 comments at Slashdot, >200 at Phoronix and >1000 at linux org
>> ru! See now?
>> When a technical project starts making their decisions over
>> political reasons...
>> rather than technical, it is doomed. Good time to switch to a
>> similar distro....
>> with mentally sane leadership, like Devuan. Also what's good about
>> Devuan :
>> Devuan does not use SystemDick as its' init system! SystemD contains
>>> 1 million
>> lines of bloated code and lots of vulnerabilities have been found
>> there and
>> countless haven't, also the SystemD creators are arrogant and refuse
>> to fix many
>> discovered security vulnerabilities, to a point where they've been
>> awarded a
>> " Pwnie award " for refusing to fix a critical vuln.
>> That is why I prefer the distros which are using something else as
>> init system:
>> either good old SysV, or something more modern like OpenRC (at Artix
>> Linux) or
>> runit (at Void Linux) , just not systemd! There are only a few such
>> distros left
>> because of Redhat pressure, and luckily Devuan is one of them.
>> If you found Debian as useful before it went nuts then maybe you'd
>> like Devuan,
>> or even some other distros that I mentioned: Artix Linux =Arch with
>> a human face
>> (has GUI + everything configured by default, nice GUI package
>> manager and
>> convenient to use even for the beginners), and Void Linux -amazingly
>> fast distro
>> really suitable for old PCs, but lacks some packages so you'd need
>> to compile
>> the things from source once in a while, in comparison Artix has
>> almost the same
>> set of packages as Arch. Both Artix and Void are very stable despite
>> their
>> packages are really new and they are among the first to get new
>> Linux kernels
>> with fresh drivers.
>> Or maybe MX Linux, one of the top popularity distros nowadays which
>> is
>> also "no systemd" and somehow only recently I learned about it
>> Best regards,
>> Ivan Ivanov,
>> open source firmware developer
> How ridiculous that some pathetic questionable would spend their
> precious time on Earth censoring package names which contain the
> character string "boob".
> Sad.

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