"The system detected a problem, do you want to report it?" dialog

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Sun Aug 26 13:36:50 UTC 2018

Am Sonntag, den 26.08.2018, 15:12 +0200 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
> We don't need to worry abut such issues, if we manually report bugs.

if you manually report bugs software has no security issues ???

all software has security issues all the time, i dont get how the way
to collect crashes helps with that ... if you wouldnt run a kernel you
would never have any driver problems either :P

and as i said in other posts in this thread you are always able to
manually report any bugs ... apport is a tool to help the QA team to
collect the heuristics to identify the really serious issues that show
up on several millions of systems; even on the ones from actual end
users ... you could collect and send all this data quietly without
bothering anyone with UI popups ... 

...but history tells that you then get called names for producing
"spyware" like when you try to anonymize and encrypt amazon searches of
users to protect their privacy and data that normally goes through the
net competely unprotected, so this is why the apport popup exists ... 

apport does not replace manual bug filing in any way at all ... we get
such bugs from enthusiasts all day long, it collects additional data
from millions and millions of simple non-enthusiast end users that
ubuntu has, to improve the product :)

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