Setup for a dash cam.

Ralf Mardorf silver.bullet at
Mon Sep 25 18:06:08 UTC 2017

On a motorcycle it usually doesn't matter if you or another road user
did cause the accident, when you are dead the footage is unimportant. A
biker spends much more effort on avoiding an accident, than a car
driver usually does, since they not only need to care about the traffic,
but even of things like cigarettes thrown out of cars. In a car you
can't get a cigarette under the helmet. Drivers are well-advised to care
more about the mistakes other road users made, instead of filming the
traffic. I've got both licenses, for motorcycles of all classes and
cars up to small 7.5 tons lorries, since decades. I guess experiences
with two-wheeled vehicles is the cause for my attitude and calmness.

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