Gnome is hiding - looping.

Petter Adsen petter at
Mon Sep 11 17:05:34 UTC 2017

On 11/09/17 01:26, s_s_shahin at wrote:
>>    1. Re: Gnome is looping on me! (Ralf Mardorf)
>>    2. Re: Gnome is looping on me! (Ralf Mardorf)
>>    3. Re: Gnome is looping on me! (Ralf Mardorf)
>>    4. Re: ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 157, Issue 5 (s_s_shahin at
> I tried some of the tips I picked up here. But no cure yet.
> My impression is that a process starts when I give control to Gnome
> after I sign on. This process runs and gives me back to the sign on
> screen when it exits.
> How can I check what starts after signing on this way maybe I can go in
> and get rid of it.

Try logging in on the console like Colin described and look for errors
in ~/.xsession-errors, there might be clues as to what is failing there.


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