Internet is dying - diagnostics
Eddie G.
eoconnor25 at
Sun Oct 29 22:39:30 UTC 2017
Off Topic:
Ok so I apologize for this, but it seems my repeated cries out to the
developer communities are just falling on deaf ears. I figured since
this one has some form of issue with Internet / connectivity that it
would fit:
I have been using Linux for quite a while now, and I love promoting it
in all its variations, from Ubuntu and it's "offspring"
(Lubuntu...Xubuntu....Kubuntu..etc) to the flavors of CEntOS and Red
Hat.....(Fedora...OpenSuSE etc) I just have this to say. I have a friend
that lives too far away for me to assist physically and in-person, and
he's recently decided to try Linux,....where he lives there's only a
wireless connection and not a wired one. I spent the better part of an
afternoon and early evening trying to help him get his wireless working.
He tried everything, from installing the b43-fwcutter installer to the
Broadcom 4311 wireless drivers, and everything in between. Nothing
worked. Was he installing on some esoteric or exotic piece of machinery?
No. It was a somewhat older Dell Inspiron 15 inch laptop. In the end he
had no choice but to go install Windows 10. I feel for him, since he's
not in a place where there's a lot of help. And I won't get into any
more particulars about that.
What I want to say/ask is this: How is an era where we have
cars that have AI......we have virtual machines of virtual machines that
can host yet more virtual machines....we have "smart" technology......servers nested within
servers,.....big data that can be crunched onto a SQL database and then
compressed even further.....we have medical procedures that actually
require logins and are computer/robot short we have made
technological advances in the world of computing and science.
possible from a "Spock-Vulcan-Logic" perspective. Doesn't the demand FOR
it "demand" that SOMETHING be done? Is no one on fire enough to see
that it gets done? Or has the entire Linux community gone
dormant.....complacent to just sit back and coast on whatever technology
is current and that will please the masses? I consider us a "family" of
sorts, and we "lost" a family member to Windows.....WE LOST HIM TO
WINDOWS!....the same OS we tell others to avoid because of security
issues, because of its great big "bullseye" on its back.....seems no one
cares anymore...or else someone would have done something by now about
this. And yes, I also understand that it would take a lot of
"programming power" to get something to work that might not include
proprietary software, and yes, I know that its a thankless job and you
might even be crucified if something else "breaks" when you install it
or create it...or modify it....but I thought that's what the Open Source
community WAS!...a group of brave souls....the modern day pirates who
forged their own paths and didn't let the conforms of society dictate
their destinies. I cannot fathom how someone can install
Xubuntu....Kubuntu...Ubuntu....Linux Mint....and a slew of other OS'es
and NONE of them have the necessary drivers to connect to the
internet....unless you're willing to go through all these needless
excess steps. Its sad, because I have admired the Open Source Community
all my life, but to see this guy go the route of Windows 10 all because
he couldn't connect to the internet easily.....well it just seems like
no one cares enough......if I had the time to sit and learn programming
at my age?.(almost 48!)...I would do it....but I don't so I can't And I
understand that it might be some kind of gargantuan undertaking, but if
no one "dared" back then.....where would we all be today?.....if no one
"tried" where would our files and folders be right now?....on a Windows
10 machine?....or maybe a MacBook? Well I hope someone finds this and
reads it....and gets inspired to do SOMETHING......ANYTHING about it.
Because it doesn't make our cause of trying to help others make the
switch any easier if they're not able to do the "basics"! Just thought
I'd put that out there....oh and?
Thanks For Listening!
L "Cubed" (L-ong L-ive L-inux!)
Eddie G.
On 10/22/2017 04:44 AM, Volker Wysk wrote:
> Hello
> It may be the router. I've reset it (power off and on), and the connection
> came back. It's not clear, though. I'll try again.
> Volker
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