Can't run apps requiring elevated privileges on artful

Gilles Gravier ggravier at
Wed Oct 25 06:42:58 UTC 2017

Hello all!

Have you noticed this: On a clean artful install, running an app that will
require elevated privileges (like Synapic) won't work. You get the pop-up
asking for your password, you enter it, then nothing happens.

If you do this from a terminal by typing "sudo" and your command "sudo
synaptic" or "sudo gnome-terminal" or any other graphical command you wish
to run with elevated privileges, you always get the same error :
  Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
  Failed to parse arguments: Cannot open display:

If you first open a terminal window and run "xhost +" then you can run
these apps. But that's a kludgy workaround... and not easy to implement for
apps that need to be launched at start of the graphical desktop session.

Any ideas? I think it's a new bug (all this was working fine in 17.04).

Gilles Gravier - ggravier at
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