Gnome replaces Unity

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Mon Oct 16 19:53:12 UTC 2017


Since Unity came out, I switched to Xubuntu (XFCE) and the only time I
had a problem with it was not related to XFCE itself (I switched to
Mint XFCE briefly).

I didn't like the non-configurability of options in Unity, and I
really like the options as I have them configured in XFCE.  I've been
able to take these since 12.04 and carry them forward with changes
only as I find more needs, not less.

I recently had the "fun" of working with someone who needed a new
computer but was a total technophobe.  She wound up returning the
computer and I have purchased the new one and will set it up for her.
That it is Win 10 aside, I camne to the following conclusion:

The difference between a layperson and a geek (computer nerd) is that
the layman actually expects the computer to do what s/he wants.  (We
know better...)



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