Unlocking several crypto discs during boot

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Fri Oct 13 06:56:47 UTC 2017

Volker Wysk schreef op 13-10-2017 4:23:
> Hi!
> I have two crypto discs in my machine: the hard drive, and an SSD, 
> which I
> want to use as a cache for the former. This means that I have to enter 
> two
> passwords at boot time, even if they are the identical.
> I'd like to file a feature request. When the passwords are identical, 
> only one
> should be requested. Which package should I specify for the bug report?

I know it's annoying and that Linux crypto support is rather bad. But 
traditionally people fix this by adding a keyfile to the second 
container that is unlocked by a key in the first container.

I think you can just specify the key in your crypttab where ordinarily 
it would say "none".

But I haven't tried it myself in this way.


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