Unlocking several crypto discs during boot

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Fri Oct 13 17:46:18 UTC 2017


I have filed a bug report (how to file a feature request?) against initramfs-
tools. This is the description:

I have an SSD which I want to use as a cache for my harddisk. 

The cached root filesystem depends on *both* crypto discs, because it is made 
to be cached by the SSD. The new cached root volume is created from the 
original root volume ("OriginLV"), and two volumes that reside on the 
encrypted SSD ("CacheMetaDataLV" and "CacheDataLV"). 

This means that, during boot, we need to set up both crypto volumes, before we 
can mount the root filesystem. 

This happens by querying the user for the password, for each crypto volume, 
which isn't set up with  a key file.

This means that I'll have to enter two passwords every time I boot my machine. 

This could be done better by making the user enter just one password, and 
unlocking all matching crypto disks with it. So I would set the same password 
for both crypto disks, and would have to enter the password only once. This is 
my feature request.


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