Notebook won't reboot after nvidia driver install

Xen list at
Sat Oct 7 20:17:59 UTC 2017

MR ZenWiz schreef op 07-10-2017 21:05:

> I downloaded the driver from nvidia's web site and installed it.
> Now the notebook won't boot at all - I'm running off a flash drive.
> It keeps stopping in busybox.  I've tried going back to recover mode
> and previous versions that used to work fine, and it's just plain
> dead.  I really don't want to have to do a fuil reinstlla, but I can
> if that's my only option.

Oh man, you are really having a rotten time with this.

I am sorry I cannot say what the driver could have changed.

Typically it would be a dkms module but since I never was victorious in 
busybox either I don't know what you could do. Obviously the nvidia 
driver has regenerated the initramfs,

so what is necessary is going into a live DVD or USB and mounting your 
root filesystem (including boot) and removing the nvidia driver from it, 
and then rerunning the update-initramfs tool.

It is possible that it has updated ALL of your kernels.

Therefore the only advice I can give.

1. boot live dvd/usb
2. enter a shell
3. type sudo su

4. mount the root device and any boot device if it is separate

5. enter a chroot using
    for f in dev sys proc run; do
      mount /$f /mnt/$f

If that works.

6. try to run the uninstaller script for your driver.

If that doesn't work.

6b. Go to /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/hooks and see what it is 
including into your initramfs, if there is any files being copied into 
it, some nvidia hook script

7. I don't know how the framebuffer driver is selected, but nvidia is 
supposed to have a module called nvidia.ko. You may want to delete it or 
move it elsewhere.

8. once you have removed the initramfs stuff, run:

9. update-initramfs -u

10. I assume there is no grub problem, but you could rerun update-grub 
as well.

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