Can anyone tell me what is wrong with LibreOffice?

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Sat Oct 7 16:32:17 UTC 2017

On Saturday 07 October 2017 11:08:54 Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> On Sat, 7 Oct 2017 14:19:06 +0200, Liam Proven wrote:
> >AbiWord
> ..was ideal for my needs, before it became more and more fishy.
> 1. AbiWord by no means is what it used to be. On my old machine with
> an ATI graphics it stopped working completely and on my new machine
> with an Intel graphics, the editor's view is flickering. It happens
> for Ubuntu as well as Arch Linux and there are already duplicates of
> duplicates of duplicated bug reports.
> 2. Those who really need LibreOffice functionality, can't replace it
>    with AbiWord, even if it should become as good as it was a long
>    time ago. They are two very different animals, even if Canonical
>    would support it's development, it would be a long run, before
>    LibreOffice users who really need it, could migrate to AbiWord.

What he said, +2.  The last time I loaded something into abiword, I 
rebooted the machine fast so it never got a chance to write what I saw 
on-screen. The first thing I did after the reboot was purge that puppy. 
That was the last time I installed it. That was around 4 years ago. And 
if Ralf says its worse...  Obviously from the KDE school of ignoring bug 
reports.  But for that, there is TDE. ;-)

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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