Advice for user with impaired vision

Francis (Grizzly) Smit grizzly at
Sun Oct 1 20:08:51 UTC 2017

There is a cursors section in "unity tweak tool" (unity-tweak-tool from 
command-line) under Appearance->Cursors select the "use large cursors" 
checkbox for large cursors that should help you see them

On 02/10/17 05:20, Robert Heller wrote:
> At Sun, 1 Oct 2017 11:42:15 -0400 "Ubuntu user technical support,  not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at> wrote:
>> Hey there,
>> Colin Law wrote:
>>> I am looking for suggestions to help a friend who has poor vision to
>>> use his computer.  Obviously I can make the text and icons larger
>>> but I wonder whether anyone can offer any other advice or any tools
>>> that might help further. His vision is not so poor that he needs a
>>> text to speech screen reader.
>> You can find high contrast themes for the desktop, but those are
>> pretty gruesome unless you absolutely must use them. If your friend
>> isn't at that point, a better suggestion would be to type "color
>> wheel" into a search engine and then note the colors that are
>> opposite each other on any of those wheels. An interesting behavior
>> of colors it that, when opposites are placed next to one another, they
>> seem more vibrant. So, for example, if you wanted to choose the colors
>> for text and background, opposites would be easier to see.
> What is happening is the most opposite colors (esp. red/blue) refract at
> different angle (you eye's lens acts like a prisim). This gives the colors a
> "3D" effect, with one color slightly out of focus (the colors appear to be on
> different focal planes, as if the red letters were "floating" above (or
> below?) the blue paper/screen.  Note: this can be anoying to some people.  I
> think red/blue is the most extreme combo.


    .~.     In my life God comes first....
    /V\         but Linux is pretty high after that :-D
   /( )\    Francis (Grizzly) Smit

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