out of space on /root
Liam Proven
lproven at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 15:16:45 UTC 2017
On 13 March 2017 at 16:02, Xen <list at xenhideout.nl> wrote:
> I don't know why you are comparing yourself to me :p.
I am finding your points interesting mainly in the contrast between
them and my own.
For instance, I previously worked at Red Hat. It has many passionate
Vi users. (Vi, Vim, Elvis, whatever, doesn't matter to me. Probably
mostly Vim.) They were generally utterly baffled at my hatred of it.
For them, the power of the tool outweighed its clunky UI. They
regarded the UI as a small thing to climb over to get to that power.
I don't want the power. I write English, not code. No amount of syntax
highlighting or anything matters to me. UI is *all*.
This has led to many long discussions and the blog post I linked to.
And yet you've raised something I have never even heard of as a
preference before. That intrigues me.
> I was talking about stuff that *does* get published. And to that other
> person (David Fletcher), I do not only write source code in text editors,
> they can be used for other things as well.
> A Word Processor is often a too
> bloated environment for simple things and you like something in between, or
> at least something that is reasonably usable for regular text as well.
Well, up to a point. There is of course a ton of bloat, but for
instance, MS Word has an outliner. Almost no other editor has that
these days.
All I need is an outliner and a word count, really -- and a
widely-understood file format, I guess.
But that alone more or less ties me to Word, as nothing much else has
outliners any more. :-(
> That said of course I do not need markup in a regular text editor, that's
> the whole point of these things
Is it? I suspect that is not a universally-held view.
> (although WordPad is nice, and *should* be a
> nice in-between) but a regular text editor still has *for me* to not
> distract me from the code/text by having an imposing text frame and or
> border display that draws more attention than the text you are looking at.
> It is just graphical design principles from my point of view.
And that itself is an interesting position. It's never come up before
in my discussions on the subject.
> For example, in my current email writer (roundcube) I do not have the issue
> even though it also has a thin distance but the border is not imposing, as
> well as that the edge does not fall away and instantly show the desktop, so
> the desktop (or other windows) is also not interfering with the display of
> the text.
> I just don't want to be distracted, that's all, and with these thin-border
> editors your text is met side-by-side with whatever irrelevance might be
> going on in the background.
> Try to focus on your text when a girl is staring at you from just around the
> edge of your monitor, with one eye, for example :p.
> So the roundcube editor not only has a non-imposing border that does not
> draw attention, it also has a swath of white sitting next to it, being
> non-distracting.
> http://www.xen.dds.nl/f/i/screenshots/roundcube-edit-window1.png
> To me, that's just very pleasant and I'm never distracted by it.
> "All that is required is clarity on the screen"
> That is what I was speaking of.
I think our definitions of clarity are very different. When I am
writing, I barely notice anything but the text.
I think this photo is public and won't require a FB account:
You can see my default MS Word 97 setup there:
Menu bar, scroll bars, nothing else. Not even page borders. That's the
way I tend to like it.
Liam Proven • Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk • Google Mail/Talk/Plus: lproven at gmail.com
Twitter/Facebook/Flickr: lproven • Skype/LinkedIn/AIM/Yahoo: liamproven
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