Configuring NetworkManager to use systemd-resolved without dnsmasq in 17.04

Oleg Andriyanov o.andriyanov at
Mon Jul 31 18:33:54 UTC 2017

Hello! I have some questions regarding name resolution system in 17.04.

After upgrading to 17.04 from 16.04 I can't figure out how host name 
resolution system is meant to be configured. First, I've noticed that 
after upgrade search domains have disappeared from |/etc/resolv.conf|. 
They came back once I've removed |/etc/resolv.conf| symlink and 
restarted NetworkManager. But then the contents became as follows:

|# Generated by NetworkManager search mydomain1 mydomain2 nameserver |

Ok, search domains are there. But why nameserver is there? No 
process is listening on that address, hence the name resolution doesn't 

AFAIK, is the hard-coded listen address of dnsmasq, which is 
not configured in |/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf|:

|[main] plugins=ifupdown,keyfile [ifupdown] managed=false [logging] 
level=DEBUG |

Actually, dnsmasq wasn't even installed after upgrade. After installing 
dnsmasq and adding the line |dns=dnsmasq| into |NetworkManager.conf|, 
everything works well, but I wonder if I am doing something wrong, or is 
it a bug in NetworkManager or somewhere else.

So my questions are, is it possible to use systemd-resolved instead of 
dnsmasq? If not, what is the purpose of moving to systemd-resolved?

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