Linux-friendly laptops

Bas G. Roufs - in English basroufs at
Thu Jul 13 22:32:35 UTC 2017

On Thursday, 13 July 2017 15:38:59 CEST Brad Harvey wrote:

> > Lenovo Thinkpad X220, together with -at present- Kubuntu 16.04 LTS

> I have used mostly Thinkpads. The support with Linux is mostly good. Max out
> the RAM, throw in an SSD and you are set.

We have worked out a similar solution. At my Thinkpad X220 , the RAM has been 
upgraded from 4 to 12 GB. The CD/DVD drive has been replaced by a 500 GB SSD I 
had been using in another machine before. The original HD has been replaced by
 a 320 GB mSata drive. This configuration works like charm.

Bas G. Roufs
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL- 3514 VT  Utrecht
BasRoufs at
+31 6 446 835 10

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