Not seeing my own posts

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Thu Jan 12 13:45:17 UTC 2017

12 January 2017  at 14:21, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Re: Not seeing my own posts (at least in part)


Not sure why, I "thought" maybe it was (just) this list not using the settings 
I set (via web gui) it is AFAIK the only list I dont get my own postingsm I 
could set a bcc to my sending account but that only shows me I posted not if it 
arrived there

Looks like acknowledgement(s) are now working, or at least my post about this 
got one

>I've got Yahoo and Rocketmail (also Yahoo) addresses, too. The only
>mailman mailing list with settings where this still works are the
>FreeBSD mailing lists, resp. at least FreeBSD questions, on all other
>mailman mailing lists Yahoo/Rocketmail either doesn't pass through our
>own mails or the addresses don't work at all. I don't know
>if this is the SPF/DKIM/DMARC issue or something else. It's strange
>that "receive acknowledgement" doesn't work, while you are able to
>receive the posts of others. Last time I used Yahoo "receive
>acknowledgement" worked, when I received mails from others, but just
>not my own mails. I switched to It's the free as in beer
>provider, that does cause the less issues with mailing lists for me. I
>only experience one issue, I still receive email from a blacklisted
>address, fortunately it's just one mail per day. In my experiences all
>providers filter features suffer from one or the other issue. As long
>as a spammer doesn't send hundreds or more mails a second, I simply use
>bogofilter by my MUAs, if filters on the server site should fail.


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