video card for new computer

Stuart McGraw smcg4191 at
Fri Dec 15 19:53:16 UTC 2017

On 12/15/2017 02:15 AM, Xen wrote:
> Stuart McGraw schreef op 15-12-2017 8:18:
>> In the unlikely event I become a hard core gamer in the future I'll
>> worry about getting some high performance graphics then...
> Sounds like a shame...
> You won't become a hardcore gamer if you can't run any games ;-).

I heard that games these days are like heroin, once you start pretty soon you are hooked and then you end up buying $3000 video cards and can't live without the latest maximally over-clocked cpus, weirdly angled computer cases with big windows and internal blue and purple LEDS, water cooled heatsinks, etc.  Addicts even get so degraded they resort to using Windows! :-)

> I was not meaning to say that nVidia is a bad choice. In fact, it is a good choice.
> But it's true I think that what Ralf says that for a minimum of hassles it is always safer to be Intel now.
> At the same time maybe having to depend on external graphics is a liability...

That's why I want something with plain old boring under-performant intel graphics.  I can always add a fancy amd or nvidia card later but I'll have a fallback in case there are problems.

> I just think you are taking a safe road you are less enthusiast about!

Getting a new, reasonably high-performing computer makes me enthusiastic enough! :-)

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