Clonezilla question

Phil phil_lor at
Sat Dec 9 22:56:04 UTC 2017

Thank you for reading this.

The current thread dealing with restoring backups has rekindled my 
interest in Clonezilla.

I would like to replace my laptop's SDD with a larger one. I had the 
idea that I could simply clone the entire disk drive which includes a 
Windows and Linux partitions. I need Windows so that I can update my 
Garman navigator maps form time to time otherwise I'd simply install 
Linux and copy my backup files over to the new drive.

I discovered that Clonezilla requires that the source drive be unmounted 
and since I only have one functioning computer I cannot see how I can 
proceed. The plan was to connect the destination drive to a USB SATA cable.

So, how can I clone my laptop's SSD without a second computer?


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