
Little Girl littlergirl at
Sat Dec 2 00:26:58 UTC 2017

Hey there,

Xen wrote:

> Like emails, so I only really need it for LO.

If you look in the Edit menu in LibreOffice Writer, there's a
Changes sub-menu.

You can enable the Record option in the Changes sub-menu to record
changes to the document.

You can enable the Show option in the Changes sub-menu to view
all of the changes highlighted in the document.

You can enable the Accept or Reject... option in the Changes sub-menu
to list the changes, examine them, and decide if you'd like to revert
any or all of them. Note that this option will enable the Show option
and you'll need to manually turn it off if you don't want the changes
to show afterwards.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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