Startup Applications not working in 16.04

Little Girl littlergirl at
Tue Aug 22 03:01:00 UTC 2017

Hey there,

Barry Premeaux wrote:

> <>
> I had been to this link before and was aware of the need to remove
> the gnome-screensaver to clear the autostart issues.  I thought I
> had already. But, went ahead and reran the 'sudo apt remove
> gnome-screensaver' command again.  Didn't get a file not found
> error, so apparently I had not removed it after all.  Rebooted and
> now xscreensaver runs as it should.

I'm glad.
> The only reason for running xscreensaver is that it offers so many
> more options, like GLslideshow, which is my particular favorite.  I
> have looked over the gnome-screensaver commands and settings and
> really don't find it as robust.

No need to explain. We all have preferences in our software choices.
I also enjoy the slide show.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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