Concerned about future 32 bit server support

Duane Whitty duane at
Thu Aug 10 04:27:30 UTC 2017

On 17-08-10 01:19 AM, David Fletcher wrote:
> On Wed, 2017-08-09 at 22:27 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> Hi,
>> my laboratory power supply does provide up to 2 A only :D. Regarding
>> a
>> Google research nowadays even cheaper laboratory power supplies than
>> mine seem to be more comfortable and provide much more ampere.
>> However,
>> I wasn't aware that a MiniITX could consume less than 10 W, OTOH
>> others
>> consume around 40 W. For a lot, if not most laboratory power supplies
>> it's still seems to be marginal.
>> Regards,
>> Ralf
> I have one called a Mastech HY3003D-2. It has two 0-30V, 3A outputs
> that can be series or paralleled. I ran the 32 bit board plus hard
> drive from one channel for maybe three weeks continually. The board
> plus hard drive has run on a 40W open frame switcher 24/7 for over 7
> years. I can run a fanless mini ITX from the lab supply no problem.
> Dave
You can probably charge car batteries with it too ;-)

Best Regards,

Duane Whitty
duane at

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