(OT) Google: "Somebody knows your password"

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Sun Aug 6 17:21:38 UTC 2017

Am Samstag, 5. August 2017, 06:38:14 CEST schrieb Jared Norris:
> As I've said before, there is no one on this list that can verify any of
> the information you're asking. At most, the people on this list can
> speculate and guess. Speculation leads to complexities that just aren't
> helpful and downright confusing and ends up with people getting worried
> about things that just aren't worth it.
> You need to contact Google to discuss this with them. If their email
> support isn't responsive, try their phone number or their forums. I
> personally have had great success with their phone number for product
> issues and their forums for account issues.

What I want(ed) to know: Is this phishing? If not, how could someone get hold 
of my google password? What should I have done differently? I think, I'm 
careful with respect to internet security.

I know, the second part can only lead to speculation. But for now, I'm anxious 
about the first part: Is this phishing or does somebody really have had my 

I've finally reached someone in their gmail forum. I've also come to the 
conclusion that this isn't phishing. See my next mail.

Thanks to everyone who tried to help!


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