MikeeUSA -- Notice Bruce Perens has NO response (nor does Moglen). [Was: Re: GrSecurity]

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Thu Aug 3 08:36:14 UTC 2017

esodnencaocrefsdv at aaathats3as.com schreef op 03-08-2017 10:19:
> Malformed ascii art saying "Don't feed the trolls"
> IE: Can't attack the message, attack the man.
> Because White Men Programmers simply do not know what they do not know
> and take proper, correct, legal analysis from a license attorney
> dealing with a relevant issue as "trolling".
> Here's a response from another attorney:
> https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-general/2017-July/044040.html
> https://lkml.org/lkml/2017/7/29/128

You are now cross-posting from another mailing list to this one.

While the attorney's message was informative to me (I like hearing 
information from actual legal experts) it was still inflammatory and 
trying to push for a certain agenda when unwilling compatriots are not 
willing to go that route, ie. they don't care.

Likewise, if you want to file for a class action suit you better have 
some strong backers or it won't work at all, I think.

So it is still infammatory and trying to rile up people and it still has 
no interest to or for users of Ubuntu.

Most people who would be interested in using Ubuntu would NOT be 
interested in some copyright dispute that does not concern them. YOU may 
think this stuff matters and is important.

I just read that attorney's message and deleted it.

I suppose you do the same with this one.


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