Odd network behavior

rikona rikona at sonic.net
Wed Aug 2 03:23:47 UTC 2017

On Tue, 1 Aug 2017 22:01:25 +0100
Colin Law <clanlaw at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 1 August 2017 at 20:25, rikona <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:
> >
> > Any idea why the Ubuntu box refused to be the desired local master
> > browser, based on how the routers were connected?  
> What do you mean by local master browser? i am not familiar with the
> term.

It's a Windows thing and part of Samba. An edited copy from the Samba
website: The basic way browsing works is that one computer in the
network takes on the role of the master browser (also called local
master browser, browse master, or browse server) and keeps a list of
all the computers on the local subnet that are acting as SMB servers.
The list of computers is called the browse list and includes all Samba
servers. The browse list also contains the names of all workgroups and

This lets you see what other comps are in the same Win workgroup, and
connect to them. It is better to have a comp that runs 24/7 as the LMB;
nice and stable - thats why I want a particular comp to stay as the LMB.

The router change seems to be interfering with this process, setting
up new LMBs repeatedly/randomly, but I don't know why it should. My
original email had excerpts from syslog re this changeover.

The above is a bit short but I hope it helps...

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