How to tell which version of a application is running

Chris cpollock at
Mon Apr 17 13:21:31 UTC 2017

On Mon, 2017-04-17 at 15:07 +0200, Xen wrote:
> Chris schreef op 17-04-2017 14:55:
> > 
> > First I apologize for not sending any replies yesterday. I have
> > 'issues' from the time I was in the Army and just couldn't do it.
> > That
> > said, Xen, I've tried both of the commands you noted above,
> > actually
> > did a C/P into terminal and get:
> > 
> > chris at localhost:~$ ps ax -o cmd | grep [t]racker (no output from
> > this
> > at all)
> So the program is not running, but it is probably started
> infrequently.
> There must be some dbus command that starts it, I don't know.
> I don't know anything about it really (about tracker).
> (Or about anything ;-)).
> > 
> > chris at localhost:~$ cat /proc/$(pgrep tracker | head -1)/cmdline;
> > echo
> > BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-72-generic root=UUID=4254a7e9-429b-
> > 4f53-
> > a08c-ae7ff839b98f ro
> > 
> > This one just gives me information on the kernel I currently have
> > installed.
> Yeah, you just got /proc/cmdline because tracker is not running.
> > 
> > I'll move on to see what other posts there are. I see quite a few
> Yeah, don't worry.
I forgot that I'd had to stop the tracker daemon yesterday because it
was just filling up my syslog with all the entries I'd posted in my
original post. It was also heating up the CPU cores to around 140F. I'd
gone through and reset the tracker db from instructions on the tracker
list and I 'assume' it was working on rebuilding it. However I just
logged out and in again and tracker restarted. I did run your command
before I stopped it and go the following:

chris at localhost:~$ ps ax -o cmd | grep [t]racker

I only had a chance to run one and do it quickly before I had to stop
the daemon or I was afraid my CPU would melt :(

Just to show how much is being written to syslog this is the size of
just yesterdays log from the time it was restarted yesterday morning
until it was rotated this morning - 1.7 GB (1,670,648,287 bytes)

I'll read through and make replies to the rest of the posts today as I

I do want to thank in advance all of you who sent me replies and


KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C
31.11972; -97.90167 (Elev. 1092 ft)
08:10:30 up 17:58, 4 users, load average: 4.49, 3.27, 1.64
Description:	Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS, kernel 4.4.0-72-generic
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