Out of memory (oom) issues

Chris cpollock at embarqmail.com
Sat Sep 3 20:23:24 UTC 2016

On Sat, 2016-09-03 at 10:48 +0200, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Freitag, den 02.09.2016, 16:35 -0500 schrieb Chris:
> > 
> >  
> > Second one of the day less than 4hrs between
> > 
> > https://pastebin.com/PqCNRkD0
> thats an interesting one ...
> so you seem to be running a fully fledged courier IMAP server on your
> machine ... how about using offlineimap instead (which will only run
> when fetching mail and not cause permanent high I/O on your disk)

I've been running that for for over 10yrs now since way back in my
Mandrake days. I'll take a look at offlineimap and see how it is.

> you also seem to be running wicd *and* NetworkManager at the same
> time,
> i guess they start wrangling about your network cards (i guess the
> modprobe process in the list is related to this too) only one tool
> should manage your hardware, pick one and turn off the other ... 

I took a look at startup processes on boot and it shows networkmanager
set to 'no' and wicd to 'yes' though looking at top I see that both are
running. I never noticed was wicd used in 14.04LTS? 
> have a look at /var/crash if the system dumped something for a
> crashing
> process there (i guess you can ignore any firefox or evolution
> entries
> there though, as the typical highest consumers of ram the OOM killer
> will strangle them first anyway) ... 
> ciao
> 	oli

Found nothing useful in /var/crash however I did install Variety on the
29th of Aug

Start-Date: 2016-08-28  21:33:57
Commandline: apt-get install variety

and the first oom error was on the 29th at 03:24am. Hmm, I'm wondering
now if that's maybe the issue? But, looking at the oom I got this
morning - https://pastebin.com/3y7DP4Jq I've been running top with this
command line - top -d 30 -p 26224 -p 26485 -p 21041 -p 2957 -p 2258 -p
3543 -b > top.txt of course I had to change it when the oom closed out
Evo. I stopped Variety last night at 8:23pm, no oom during the night, I
restarted it at 8:10am this morning and the oom came at 10:37am this
morning. Since I have Variety set to not only use wallpaper images in
my ~/Wallpaper folder but to download images from various sites also
I'll stop the downloading first to see what happens. 

I had to stop and take care of some things but awhile after I set
Variety to only use my wallpaper and not grab quotes from the internet
I had another oom - https://pastebin.com/05hVgtJK I'm going to
completely stop Variety and see what happens. That's the only logical
application I can think of that may be the cause. If so I really need
to contact the author and let him know. 


KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C
31.11972; -97.90167 (Elev. 1092 ft)
11:21:08 up 1 day, 3:26, 1 user, load average: 2.06, 0.74, 0.46
Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS, kernel 4.4.0-36-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 11 18:01:55 UTC 2016

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