ubuntu no default or ui configuation found

Gary J. Kirkpatrick garyartista at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 13:58:46 UTC 2016

I did sudo update-grub after deleting a second install of ubuntu (I run
16.04, second install was 16.10), all from within 16.04.  I then got a grub
rescue prompt when I tried to reboot.  No problem, I thought, I'll just
insert my usb with ubuntu on there.

Then I get ubuntu no default or ui configuation found' when I boot into the

I reinstall ubuntu on the usb stick after formatting it with gparted and
now I get gfxboot.c32  not a com32r image.

My computer is a Lenovo flex 14, orginally with windows 8.  I did a legacy

So what do I try now?



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