Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) is Looking for Information Technology-related Jobs World Wide

Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo turritopsis.dohrnii.teo at
Tue Nov 15 16:31:48 UTC 2016

Dear Sir/Madam,

My academic and educational qualifications are now reflected in my
email signature.

I am an entry level/junior/beginner Information Technology (IT)
Specialist/Systems Engineer/Linux Server Administrator/Helpdesk
Support/Computer Technician available for hire anywhere in the
world!!! Prospective employers, businesses and companies in any part
of the world please feel free to contact me for my curriculum

Thank you very much!

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) @ Time Traveller
Former old abandoned name: Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)
Bachelor of Engineering (2nd Class Lower Honours) in Mechanical
Engineering with Aeronautics and Astronautics Option (Graduated from
National University of Singapore in December 2006)
Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering with Merit (Graduated from
Singapore Polytechnic in 1998)
Currently learning CISCO Switches and Routers, Computer Networking,
Network Operating Systems, Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, Active
Directory, DNS Server and DHCP Server as a *hobby* at Singapore
Polytechnic (information accurate as at 16 November 2016)
Mobile Phone #1: +65-8692-1024 (M1 Mobile Postpaid)
Mobile Phone #2: +65-8712-7323 (Singtel Mobile Prepaid)
Email Address #1: teo.en.ming at
Email Address #2: turritopsis.dohrnii.teo at
Age: 38 years old
16th November 2016 Wednesday 12:30 AM Singapore Time

*I am an entry level/junior/beginner Information Technology (IT)
Specialist/Systems Engineer/Linux Server Administrator/Helpdesk
Support/Computer Technician available for hire anywhere in the
world!!! Prospective employers, businesses and companies in any part
of the world please feel free to contact me for my curriculum
vitae/resume. Thank you very much.*

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