fslint menu items still gone...

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 14 05:37:44 UTC 2016

On 11/13/2016 09:18 PM, rikona wrote:
> Hello rikona,
> Sunday, November 13, 2016, 4:28:22 PM, rikona wrote:
>> Hello Colin,
>> Saturday, November 12, 2016, 11:36:13 PM, Colin wrote:
>>> On 13 November 2016 at 04:40, rikona <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 10 Nov 2016 08:52:37 +0000
>>>> Colin Law <clanlaw at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > On 9 November 2016 at 22:57, rikona <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Can someone please check to see if fslint has an active menu bar,
>>>> > > with items listed, in 16.04? Perhaps the available build of fslint
>>>> > > is too old to run properly in 16.04?
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > I see the same situation in both Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10. However I
>>>> > have never used fslint so don't know whether there should be a menu.
>>>> > If you are confident that there should be then I suggest reporting a
>>>> > bug
>>>> >
>>>> > ubuntu-bug fslint
>>>> I tried this but got an error, and not sure what to do with it:
>>>> /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk:16: PyGIWarning: Wnck was imported without
>>>> specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Wnck', '3.0')
>>>> before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. from
>>>> gi.repository import GLib, Wnck, GdkX11, Gdk
>>>> What do I need to do?
>>> The first thing you needed to do was to google the error message. That took
>>> me straight to
>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/1502173
>>> where there is a workaround. It has been fixed in 16.10 but not yet in 16.04
>> Thanks. I was not thinking about this in the right way. I had so
>> many problems lately, I thought it must be an issue with just my
>> box. I did not think it might be a bug in a bug-reporting pgm. :-)
>>  I applied the patch as described, and successfully filed the bug
>>  report, #1641469. As I learn more about this, it does seem like a
>>  Unity problem.
> Since it seemed like a Unity problem, I installed fslint in Xubuntu
> 16.04 and Lubuntu 16.04, which presumably do not have Unity. But in
> both cases fslint does not show anything in the menu bar. Maybe this
> is NOT a unity problem, but more a 16.04 problem?

I use gnome-flashback & fslint-gui works for me in 16.04:

$ apt policy fslint
  Installed: 2.44-2
  Candidate: 2.44-2
  Version table:
 *** 2.44-2 500
        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64
        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe i386
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

$ apt depends fslint
  Depends: python (>= 2.3)
  Depends: python-gtk2 (>= 2.4)
  Depends: python-glade2
  Depends: findutils (>= 4.1.1)

I'll logout & back in using Unity (I have GNOME, Gnome-Flashback, and
Unity installed) and let you know if it works there as well.

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