fslint menu items still gone...

rikona rikona at sonic.net
Mon Nov 14 05:18:45 UTC 2016

Hello rikona,

Sunday, November 13, 2016, 4:28:22 PM, rikona wrote:

> Hello Colin,

> Saturday, November 12, 2016, 11:36:13 PM, Colin wrote:

>> On 13 November 2016 at 04:40, rikona <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:

>>> On Thu, 10 Nov 2016 08:52:37 +0000
>>> Colin Law <clanlaw at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > On 9 November 2016 at 22:57, rikona <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > Can someone please check to see if fslint has an active menu bar,
>>> > > with items listed, in 16.04? Perhaps the available build of fslint
>>> > > is too old to run properly in 16.04?
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > I see the same situation in both Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10. However I
>>> > have never used fslint so don't know whether there should be a menu.
>>> > If you are confident that there should be then I suggest reporting a
>>> > bug
>>> >
>>> > ubuntu-bug fslint
>>> I tried this but got an error, and not sure what to do with it:
>>> /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk:16: PyGIWarning: Wnck was imported without
>>> specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Wnck', '3.0')
>>> before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. from
>>> gi.repository import GLib, Wnck, GdkX11, Gdk
>>> What do I need to do?

>> The first thing you needed to do was to google the error message. That took
>> me straight to
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/1502173
>> where there is a workaround. It has been fixed in 16.10 but not yet in 16.04

> Thanks. I was not thinking about this in the right way. I had so
> many problems lately, I thought it must be an issue with just my
> box. I did not think it might be a bug in a bug-reporting pgm. :-)

>  I applied the patch as described, and successfully filed the bug
>  report, #1641469. As I learn more about this, it does seem like a
>  Unity problem.

Since it seemed like a Unity problem, I installed fslint in Xubuntu
16.04 and Lubuntu 16.04, which presumably do not have Unity. But in
both cases fslint does not show anything in the menu bar. Maybe this
is NOT a unity problem, but more a 16.04 problem?



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