nvidia-367 with GeForce GTX 460 prevents boot

Andrew J. Caines A.J.Caines at halplant.com
Fri Nov 4 22:59:13 UTC 2016


>> booted fine with nvidia-361 and associated packages
>> [...]
>> A subsequent clean install of nvidia-367 and related
>> packages returns the system to the unbootable state.
> Soooo - why not just stay with 361?

Pragmatically, because 367 is an update path from 361 as distinct from a
separate driver path. If I hold the package and its dependencies, I have
to wait for notice of a possible fix and keep hoping nothing else breaks
as a result. Switching to Gallium and testing the next nvidia driver
release is easier, albeit with a performance penalty.

Philosophically, 367 fixes a couple of security issues in 361[1].


-Andrew J. Caines-   Unix Systems Architect   A.J.Caines at halplant.com
  "Machines take me by surprise with great frequency" - Alan Turing

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