Nautilus loses history

rikona rikona at
Wed Nov 2 22:58:08 UTC 2016

Hello Nils,

Wednesday, November 2, 2016, 8:00:56 AM, Nils wrote:

> Liam Proven wrote:
>> On 2 November 2016 at 05:40, rikona <rikona at> wrote:
>> > I like and use number of KDE programs.

>> > [I don't use that
>> > desktop though]
>> If you want KDE, install Kubuntu.
>> If you want GNOME 3, install Ubuntu GNOME.

> Obviously KDE is not the wanted thing but just some KDE
> applications. 

True - I don't use the KDE desktop. I like the default Ubuntu desktop.

> So if the desktop is Gnome and nautilus loses its history after
> installing some KDE applications, it seems to me like there is a bug
> either in nautilus or one of the newly installed packages.

I installed a couple of KDE pgms BEFORE I did the complete desktop
install. At that point, they did NOT cause the problems I am seeing
now. It looks like it was the desktop install that caused problems.

Also, I have been using these pgms in 12.04 for a long time with no

> IMHO it isn't useful to switch desktops if only some programs of
> that other desktop are interesting.

That's what I have been doing, but the *Ubuntu website* suggested
doing a desktop install if you were going to use multiple KDE pgms.
They emphasized how nice it is to switch back and forth and was
describing it in glowing terms - sounded good. I mistakenly followed
their advice. :-)

> Sure KDE applications may not be well tested running with the Gnome
> desktop and they may not look nice,

They are not bad at all with the default Ubuntu install *before* the
full desktop install.

> but they shouldn't mangle the behaviour of Gnome applications (and
> vice versa).

Agreed. How can I fix this?

Thanks much for the inputs...



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